Ways to Make Fitness a Priority

Summer is the busiest time of year for the roofing industry — and the most active time of year off the job too. After all, the near-constant sunshine beckons us to be outdoors as much as possible, soaking up some Vitamin D at the beach, going camping or hiking, relaxing in the pool, watching our kids play sports, catching a major or minor league baseball game, or slowing down and doing yoga.

In fact, we just celebrated International Yoga Day, which aims to raise awareness about yoga’s many physical, mental and spiritual benefits.

“Yoga embodies unity of mind and body, thought and action ... a holistic approach [that] is valuable to our health and our well-being,” India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi explains. “Yoga is not just about exercise; it is a way to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and nature.”

(Just ask our Iowa Territory Sales Rep Samantha Stratman, who shared her love of yoga in a previous “Atlas Insider” article.)

And the great thing about yoga is that it’s no impact and can be easily modified to accommodate any physical limitations. Plus, it’s easy to get started. Simply do a Google search for classes near you or visit YouTube, where there are approximately a bajillion yoga videos, ranging from two minutes to one hour, you can do inside or outside.

Mind & Body Wellness

According to the Pan American Health Organization, “1.6 million deaths annually can be attributed to insufficient physical activity.”

And while “vigorous” physical activity is typically recommended, every health professional can agree that any amount of exercise is better than none — even if it’s not aerobic.

Movement, in general, can have an incredibly positive effect on our minds and bodies, from helping to ease depression and anxiety to maintaining our bone and muscle strength so we don’t end up like one of the people on the old Life Alert commercial (“Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”).

Not only can yoga help promote the strengthening of bones and muscles, but it can also improve balance and coordination, which are essential to preventing falls and keeping us on two feet — something that is especially important for roofers, as you’re climbing up and down ladders and walking on steep slopes.

But if yoga’s not your thing, that’s ok! The important thing is to find some kind of regular physical activity that you enjoy enough to stick with.

If you hate the idea of walking on a treadmill or taking a fitness class, start smaller, with something more fun, like one of these “40 Ways to Exercise without Exercising” from Nerd Fitness.

Now, let’s get moving!

For more on the benefits of yoga, check out these resources: