Ways to Relax and Recharge Throughout the Year

With long hours, often spent in extreme temperatures, coupled with physically demanding work, roofing can be a grueling business.

And while, as a roofing contractor, you depend on your crew to do installations, you still bear all the mentally draining work, such as being a good salesperson, submitting insurance claims, keeping customers happy, managing employees, ensuring worker safety and keeping your business running day to day.

So, even though National Relaxation Day is officially observed only once a year (on Aug. 15), it’s important to regularly fit in some personal downtime to take care of your physical and mental well-being, which in turn can help you be more effective — and happy — on the job.

Much-Needed R&R

A vacation (or staycation) is ideally the best way to relax and avoid burnout, however taking that time off can be difficult during the busy season.

Instead, here are lots of other ways you can nurture your mind and body on a daily, weekly or monthly basis:

  • Regular exercise
    Engage in regular physical activities that aren’t related to work. Exercise helps to reduce stress, improve mood and maintain physical health.
    Examples: Running/walking, swimming, yoga, cycling, playing on an intramural sports team or league
  • Hobbies, passion projects and creative outlets
    Do the things that bring you joy and fulfillment. Engage in creative activities that allow for self-expression and mental relaxation.
    Examples: Writing, painting, playing a musical instrument, woodworking, gardening, cooking, restoring classic cars, motorcycling
  • Outdoor activities
    Spend time in nature to unwind and recharge. Nature has been proven to have a calming effect on the mind.
    Examples: Hiking, camping, fishing, taking a walk in a park
  • Meditation and mindfulness practices
    Relax your mind and reduce stress by practicing meditation or other mindfulness exercises.
    Examples: Daily meditation, yoga, journaling, Tai Chi
  • Regular massages or spa treatments
    Schedule regular massages or spa treatments to relieve physical tension and stress.
    Examples: Monthly deep-tissue massage, facial, pedicure or reflexology, or enjoying a day at a spa resort
  • Quality time with loved ones
  • Spend time with family and friends to connect, relax and recharge emotionally.
    Examples: Family game nights, dinners with friends, romantic getaways with your partner
  • Reading
    Set aside time for reading books, whether they are professional, educational or purely for enjoyment. Reading is a great way to relax and stimulate the mind.
    Examples: Reading a few chapters of a novel before bed, starting a book club, reading industry-related publications

Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. In order to take care of others, you must first take care of yourself.

So, whenever possible, give yourself some TLC!